I Seented It!


What's good, family?

  Well...excuse my French, but THAT certainly was a shitshow, wasn't it? What a farce, and a total waste of time, and taxpayer's money. I look at Congress, our government and think, just like the late Cpl. Hicks from "Aliens" wisely and bluntly stated, "Why don't we just take off...nuke the whole sight from orbit... it's the only way to be sure..." I totally feel that way. I've never seen so many spineless "leaders" in my life. All so afraid of losing their jobs, or their possessions, or way of life that they'll pledge allegiance to a proven failure of a human being. More afraid of that, than losing their souls! It's totally baffling to me. I guess because my spine is made of concrete surrounded by muscles the size of bridge cables. I can't see myself following ANY man towards a goal that'll cause me to sacrifice my ethics, morals, and my soul. I'll roll alone, before I follow a cretinous criminal. B'lee dat. I remember when America used to be the standard of square-dealing and righteousness in the world, and it used to be something to be proud of. Because of where I was born, no matter where in the world I may go, "American" is the tattoo that I'll always wear. These days, I kinda wanna grab a bag of foundation and concealer and cover that tatt on up. Disappointed, yes. Surprised, no. The swamp has yet to be drained, y'all.

         Enough o'dat shyt...

I'm fitna ramble, y'all...buckle up...

  The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, led by Tom Brady, won the Super Bowl. Something ELSE that I kinda knew was gonna happen. I'm not gonna dig and dissect my reasons why I wasn't surprised, because there are conspiracy theories on EVERYTHING nowadays, and I find that it just eats up too much valuable time debunking, and debating, especially since too many mugs get emotional over a simple debate these days. Calling one another names because of a difference of opinion, and whatnot! Ludicrous! I'm 56 winter's, and don't have time for the tomfoolery. My response to the name-calling, and disrespect over a difference of opinion is simple, and decidedly old-school: "Your mutha." Take it from there, HamBone! AntyWays, the point that I was trying to make was, it just seems to me like his path is scripted, and that pro sports is becoming sports entertainment. I mean, cardboard cutouts replacing actual fans? What dimwit thought that shit up? Crowd sounds played over P.A. systems to simulate that crowd "atmosphere"? Get the complete fuckouttaheah with that! SPECTATOR sports! If there are no spectators, what is it? Yeah, yeah, I know that it's all about money, but c'mon, family... isn't this just a little bit goofy to you? It is, to me. NOW, I see that little by little, franchises are starting to allow spectators into the stands, ignoring the fact that we're still epiglottis-deep in a pandemic that has 2 other mutations that this current "vaccine" may not have an effect on. Hundreds, if not thousands dying daily. All because some fat-cat franchise owner is panicking because  his pockets are getting a few thousands lighter. I just don't get it. The biggest diseases spreading amongst the populace aren't Covid-19, or AIDS. Greed, and apathy are the pestilences taking us out! Do the math, y'all. Ya know I'm right. If I'm wrong, feel free to school me a li'l sumthin-sumthin. I'm always open for correction.


I just wanted to wish my lady, my honey-barbecued rib, my sunflower, my Jossi SunFlowah a Happy Valentine's Day, following our Happy Anniversary. Four years seem like four minutes as every day gives us reasons to rejoice, and give thanks to our Lord for allowing our paths to cross. He provides where the need is great, and I'm so humbled and grateful for His generosity, as my life has been enhanced with her presence. 
I love you to life, my honey-barbecued ribπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»

Let's not wait for one day to let your beloved know that they're beloved. That's corny and fake to me. Let EVERYDAY be a Valentine's Day. Words, deeds, thoughts, moments...this should be a part of the everyday regimen. As natural and necessary an action as is breathing. Love is breathing for the soul, family.

Breathe in...breathe out.

I love you all dearly. Today, more than ever, tomorrow is promising, NOT promised.



  1. Firstly let me say it is a privilege and an honor to be with and be loved by and in love with a king of your caliber. You are such an amazing man and I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else. You are an amazing father and example of kingship to the pooklings.
    Now onto the message, greed; one of the seven deadly sins. Greed will always be one of the major downfalls . "Men" always seek to identify themselves by what they have instead of who they are. The best thing "we" can do is remain an example for those that are stricken by greed and that are lost.
    As far as the buccaneers go, you already know what it is. Their blond haired mascot was on the team playing Mr. Deflatable himself. I no longer look at it as the play offs it's the "PAYOFFS". I'm a STEELER lady 4lyfe but my heart went out to the chiefs. I'm looking forward to the STEELER comebacks and the boom in 2022.
    Kirk you are such a prolific writer and an amazing artist. It's not just an honor to know you. It's an honor and privilege to love you. I look forward to YOU daily it makes my soul smile. Thank you for that amazing tribute and shout-out in your ramblage.
    Always in my heart, ever on my mind you are.
    Keep writing Kirk, we are listening.


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