WhatitDO, family?
Looks like your boy, the Ineptitudinous (Yeah, I made that one up, y'all…) Orange Sphincter is slowly painting himself into a corner, and ghosts of transgressions past, are coming to collect their blood-stained ducats, & shekels. One by one, a rogue's gallery of villains are paying the price for defending someone who truly has no one else's interests in mind, other than his own. Cats in league with him, find themselves under the wheels of a bus, eagerly, and unhesitatingly bowled, or freshly disposed like a freshly despoiled diaper. Everyone from cronies, to farmers, to the elderly, to Supremacists, to soldiers, to VOTERS, have all, at some point or another, found themselves turned on, and attacked by this bastion of betrayal. He's never had respect for women (his track record clearly shows that), yet, I still see women in his audiences, wearing MAGA hats, or a "Women For Trump" shirt, cheering him on! I don't get it. He cares not for people of color (his track record clearly shows that), yet, I still see people of color in his audiences wearing MAGA hats, or holding up "Blacks For Trump" signs, grinning proudly. Yeah, I know that some of those sheeple have been paid, and planted to make it look like those groups have his back. I'm not mad at the next person for thinking that they've pimped him for a couple of dollars, but tell me this; does your loyalty, morals, and dignity have a price? Countries around the world are looking at the chaos, and mess that our country has become, and chuckle heartily. This guy has bungled, and bumbled heavy-footedly through every possible scenario that you can think of, and the world finds it humourous. Try running these scenarios past the fractured Mexican families that his poison policies have affected in those "refugee camps". Run it by the farmers who were sold an enormous lie, pledging support, who are now, purpose fulfilled, finding that they have to sell their farms, in the midst of a stupid trade war. How are they to feed their families, when there's no one buying their produce? Some have had to sell land that may have been in their families for generations! Is THIS what "Making America Great" entails? Keep on holding on to those lies, Trumpanzees. It'll soon be YOUR turn to go "bowling". On the brighter side, the canaries will soon be singing, and boy, what songs they'll have to sing! Watch and see what happens when a REAL-LIFE villain runs out of places to hide.

Sooooo...what's been crackin' since the last time we chopped it up? Firstly, I must apologize to you all for my "disappearing act". Sometimes, life commands, and demands one's attention, and certain calls cannot go unheeded. Y'feel me?
Had a chance to REALLY get excited about my Yankees, because it REALLY looked like we were gonna grab another trophy this year, adding to the collection of the most successful sports franchise in the history of sports (Jeah, I'm frockin' braggin'!)! Until an ill-placed pitch killded (Jeah, I mangled that one, too!) that dream. Now, I hear stories about the Houston Astros allegedly stealing signs! DaFUQ??? Does ANYONE shoot straight anymore? Steroids, spy-gate, DeflateGate...Does ANYONE shoot a fair one anymore? I may just retire to the wonderful world of XBox, if THIS shit keeps up!
Well...at least my Steelers...well, damn...ANOTHER injury? My beloved Steelers are taking a beating this year, with all of these key injuries, y'all! With the departures of Antonio Brown, and Le'Veon Bell, not to mention the injuries to James Conner, JuJu Smith-Schuster, and Big Ben Roethlisberger, the team we have this year, is VERY different than the team we fielded a year ago. Yet, we're still 5-5. Y'all know what that is? Good coaching. In the midst of absolute chaos, my dude Mike Tomlin stands stoic, resolute, and unfazed! His mind is focused on the job at hand, not semantics. He's not concerned with who's not there, he's concerned with who IS there, and who WANTS to be a Steeler! I truly admire his focus, and seek to emulate that same laser-like focus. However the season ends for us, I have absolute respect for Mike Tomlin, as a man, and a coach. Give that brutha a raise!
Indicative of the date, I've recently celebrated my 55th BornDay! YayyyyyyyyME!!!! The ol' Double Nickel, baby! Each year brings a new milestone, new experiences, new goals, and primarily, thanks to Yah for blessing me with another year to achieve goals, and experience happiness, such as He has provided. I remember being a teen, and thinking that 32 was old! HAH! Wish I had my 32-year old knees, and back back! This aging shit is for the birds, family, let me tell youse! Despite that, I'm enjoying the "seasoning" process (shoes get old...not the Amazin' Kirkster!), as I learn more about myself, my life, and the people with whom I choose to enjoy it with...that means YOU ALL, family! Not only would I NOT be here without my Lord, I wouldn't be here without YOU, family. Your collective love, support, strength, and encouragement are the fuel that keeps this engine chugging. I love you all, fiercely, and eternally!πππ
Fyah bun the ipressors, mental and physical