Momma Grizzly Mode!!!

WhatitDO, family?

    Soooooo...lemme get this straight. We're in the midst of a pandemic, and are losing souls daily, with thousands being newly diagnosed at the same rate, and governments are literally FORCING parents to send their children to school? If you don't send your kids to school when they reopen, you're subject to a fine??? Get the complete, and ENTIRE fuck outta here! First, children are exempt from wearing masks (what...they don't have lungs???) THEN, they're being forced to go to an environment where the possibility of infection is high? It's slowly becoming clear to me that the children are under attack. Sadly, I don't hear the outrage. I see parents gleefully sending their kids to Summer camp, taking them places where there are crowds, etc. I mean, are people REALLY thinking that they're exempt? Mugs need to adopt the same methodology and mindset of a momma grizzly bear. They will fight a male bear 2, or 3 times their size, AND WIN, to protect their cubs. See? That's that apathy bullshit that I'm talking about. Ignorance and apathy are gonna kill us off just as efficiently as this virus. We've truly come upon the moment where we're gonna have to rage against the machine. If not for yourselves, do it for the kids. "I'm a rebel, so I rebel..." - Speech, Arrested Development

  Major apologies for the gloom & doom Ramblages, family. It's just that sometimes, the stupidity just burns my ass. From stupid thoughts to stupid acts, it seems like we've become a society committed to stupidity! From these dumbass internet challenges, to dumbass statements by pro athletes, and "celebrities" who aren't even smart enough to see that the sumbitch that they've hired to manage their funds, is skimming them into the homeless shelter!  Airline execs bypassing social distancing measures, all because their pockets are getting light. They rob passengers enough with their inflated prices! Tell me I'm wrong! Execs for the individual sports franchises desperate to milk their individual products are willing to sacrifice the health and lives of these athletes to bring in revenue! Is sports REALLY that important??? ShitNO!!! But yet, the idiots in the suits, who probably have NEVER played the game, are only concerned with revenue! The U.S. has become a worldwide pariah, unwelcome & even BARRED in quite a few countries! Whole countries want no part of our diseased asses, y'all! We couldn't bounce, even if we wanted to! Hell, state-to-state traveling is becoming a huge issue! It'd be real nice if I woke up, and all of the past 4 years was part of a Melatonin-induced nightmare. If wishes were fishes, I'd have an ocean, y'all. Unfortunately, it's not an altered state vision. It's reality at it worst, thus far. I am optimistic, however. I'm from the mindset that believes that in order to make an omelet, you've got to break a few eggs. People seem to have forgotten about God. They question His existence, His miracles, His presence, and His POWER. History has shown what has happened, when God is scoffed. We're at another moment in our history where people have taken His existence for granted, and in that instance, lessons must be learned. I don't doubt, or besmirch anyone's beliefs. Not at all. What I DO question is the character of a person who commits an atrocity against his fellow man, and claims that God has guided them in that endeavour. We're gonna have to do better. It's possible. I firmly and staunchly believe that this too, shall pass.  It's just a matter of purging the toxins from our system. Patience, and faith, young grasshoppers. The legendary crooner, Sam Cooke once sang, "...a change gon' commmme...ohhhh, yes it will...". The type of change will be predicated upon our character, choices, and beliefs.
   Choose wisely, family.

   Thank you, beloveds, for lending me your ears, your shoulders, and your time. You're VASTLY important to me, and are irreplaceable in my life. Please be safe out there, mask up, and by all means, protect those babies. The Adversary attacks the righteous through the children, and the Adversary, through his spineless minions, has targeted our babies. Our true treasures.  Momma Grizzly Mode, y'all...Momma Grizzly Mode.

I love and cherish you allπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾
