
   "Whew!", InDEED, family! It's been a minchit or two, but if we're all on the same planet, we KNOW the reason for the delay, as life for all of us changed in March. At some point during this pandemic (some say, "plannedemic", but I won't get into that here...), we've suffered a loss...or sadly, in some cases, losses. What saddens me, almost as much as the losses, is the continued apathy exhibited by some of the people that we share a planet with. From the highest-ranking official, to clergy, to law enforcement, to greedy merchants who in their lack of proper insuring of their businesses, are thirstily eager for the states to "re-open", so folks can bring their Covid-covered asses on into their insufficiently-disinfected establishments to spend their Covid-drenched cash, on Covid-laden merchandise, and Covid-seasoned food. And the Sheeple are running to the beaches, stores, and restaurants, as if Jeannie the Genie snapped her fingers, erasing all traces of the Covid. No, family...it just doesn't work like that. Whether time reveals that this airborne, communicable, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS, proven deadly disease is man-made, or caused by an Asian brutha munching on bats, the fact remains that over half a million people have died due to this virus. Whether the numbers are deflated or not, the fact remains that people are dying, and have died directly, or indirectly, and it's a tragedy of an historical magnitude.
   Apathetically, government officials, are ignoring science, and scientists, by lifting quarantines, and curfews all for the sake of a dollar. Why, during the stay-at-home implementations were folks not making attempts to start and establish new businesses? Why weren't they getting to know their families? If they had made moves to start businesses, make connections, and strengthen their bonds, the last things on their minds would've been having "cabin fever", going "stir crazy", going to the damned beach, eating out, or getting their hair done. The behaviours exhibited once the restrictions were eased, showed me who the ones were, who didn't take advantage of that idle time.
   We're proving to be the harbingers of our own demises, by not doing what we KNOW is right. How many folks damaged themselves by following the insane suggestions of a maniac? Drinking bleach? You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me. Look, family. Bottom line, be your own leaders. You don't need a master's degree to be smart. You don't. Mask up, wash those hands, disinfect, and keep a safe distance, ESPECIALLY since others seem to be determined to rebel against science. I worry about, and pray for, all of you. In the midst of this pandemic, tomorrow is STILL promisING, but now, more than ever, NOT promised. Please be safe, and smart. We WILL get through this TOGETHER, and, yes InDEED, this TOO...shall pass.

MASSIVE prayers for those we've lost, and their families, and prayers of wisdom, coverage and protection for those of us still grinding and building.

I love you all...💖💖💖
