WhatitDO, family?
Well, halfway through the Summer, and the livin' ain't easy, to paraphrase (rather poorly) the old song. Daily, it seems as if we're being inundated with dumpsters, endless dumpsters of bad news, and negativity! DaHell's goin' on up in this piece? Is THIS the new norm? Well, if it is, then my verdict is, it sucks harder than octopus arms. People seem to more interested in shopping, and partying, and beaching, than they do in just being careful, and full of care! There's an absolute air of apathy (as well as of Covid), now, whilst in the midst of a pandemic, more than ever in my short history. Restrictions lifted, mugs run straight to the beaches. A week later, the once-flattened curve gets UN-flattened! Surprise, surprise, surPRISE! Not just in one state, but others to follow! How do you NOT learn from the first mistake! If someone dives into tranquil waters, and gets dat ass wolfed down by a shark, howdaHELL does one dive in afterwards thinking that "Well...that was HIM...it ain't gonna happen to ME! I'm speshul!"? SERIOUSLY??? Barber shops, hair salons, TATTOO PARLORS! A government official says "Come on in! The water's fine!" while a twenty-six-foot, 7 foot tall shark's fin breaks the surface. Do you go on in? HELLZNO!!! You get back in your hoopty (with the diamond in the back, sunroof top, and fuzzy dice in the mirror), and tell the mayor of SharkTown to go on in FIRST, while you dig that scene with your gangsta lean, SAFELY on shore! Where's the intelligence? Mugs thinking that wearing a mask is an act of rebellion against the government, and tyranny??? Getda FOH with that, son! The one's protesting against so-called "tyranny", are probably the ones too lazy to get up off of their stink asses to vote, OR, thought that voting for a racist celebrity was the lesser of two evils, (or WORSE, not voting at all) and that we'd be alright. Literally everything wrong in this country, leads to The Orange Sphincter, and his cronies. From government, to judicial, to law enforcement, all chaos, and corruption leads to him. While his ass, and his pockets get fatter, so does the body count. Ten thousand deaths on his watch is seemingly acceptable to him. Dude's hands are saturated, and dripping with blood, and his appetite for destruction (as well as his waistline) increases exponentially. Does he care? Nope. What baffles me, is some heads are STILL surprised at how callously he treats his countrymen. STOP looking for a "shred of decency" with this muthafucka. THERE IS NONE! The sicker the people get, the more money, he and his smug rogue's gallery of white collar criminal corporate cronies get. People are dying, and the one's who aren't, are afraid, so one of his cronies says that a vaccine is our only hope. A crony who stands to gain millions off of the manufacture, and sale of a "vaccine". A sale, I might add, who's price is predicated upon the highest bidder. Dig that. Something that could POSSIBLY save millions of lives (and I'm not being dramatic about the "millions" part, y'all...think about it...we've already, WORLDWIDE, lost millions...) is up for auction. Think on that, family. And bust this; if you die BECAUSE of the vaccine, a litany of excuses as to why the death occurred are waiting to be used! "Too far gone...", or "Not guaranteed...", or THIS one, that's probably already in the chamber waiting to be fired, "Doesn't seem to work on Blacks". Yeah, melodramatic, but watch...watch and see just what happens if they try to make this vaccine a "lifesaver". More, and more chaos, which MAY lead to anarchy. The people are tired. They're on edge. They're hanging on a string, and sadly, while that's happening, some muthafucka in a suit, ignoring the muthafucka with the microscope, decides that it's time to open up a mall. Unreal.
"Sheeeple"©2020, KirqArts, LLC
These times are when one has to make tough choices. Do I toe the line, keep quiet, don't rock the boat, and just be happy that I'm alive? OR...do I take a stance, risk all that I have, and knuckle up? If you're shrewd and tactical enough, you can probably do both. Think about it; did Sista Harriet Tubman walk through towns, parading her Underground Railroad, in broad daylight with trumpets blaring, handing out flyers? HellzNO! She had to rely on wit, tactics, as well as courage to do what she had to do! WE can do the same. Whilst all of this chaos, and confusion are in effect, stay cool. Stay on point. Stay on your path. Don't get distracted by all of the odoriferous sludge that print, internet, and broadcast media are shoveling your way, on an hourly basis. If there's a Gestapo, I mean, police roadblock denying you access, seek out, and select another route. Flex that Plan "B', "C", and "Z", if you have to! If you have to get out of the car, and push it yourself, roll up those shirtsleeves, and gitcher nails dirty, my brethren! We CAN, and WILL get past this season, IF we just maintain our course. Protest is great! I'm all for it! But protest without a concrete plan, and a purpose, and direction, is just noise, and that's what "they" are counting on, and expecting. "Let them eat cake!" Marie Antoinette espoused in the midst of turbulent times. The so-called "minorities" in history, soon proved just how powerful they actually were, when they stood together as one. This is where we are, y'all. We've gotta put the bullshit reasons for our NOT coming together as a mighty force, aside, and make changes.
I love you ALL, and STILL expect to see you at the victory banquet. That shit hasn't changed.๐๐๐ (P.S. Mask up, and 6ft is STILL in effect, my peoples...don't think, for one minute that that 26-foot shark isn't waiting for someone to dive in, because "the suit" says so...)
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