Prelude To The Apocalypse...or Not?

   WhatitDO, family?
Strange, yet interesting times we're living in, eh? Like out of an episode of "24", I kinda expect Jack Bauer to jump out, guns a'blazing to save the day, and restore order, until the next freedom- threatening, Constitution-violating despotic pseudo-dictator rears his delusional Grecian Formula-encrusted dome, to raid the coffers of the United States Treasury like it's his own personal friendly ATM. WHEW! That was a mouthful and a half, wasn't it? We're currently in a state where mistruths are being thrown about like welfare cheese! Can you trust the media? If so, which outlet? CNN? CNBC? Certainly not FOX! Radio, TV, Internet... honestly, they're all complicit in perhaps the biggest white-collar crime since the Enron scandal!  Like a Bizarro Robin Hood, programs, and funding meant to benefit the youth, elderly, "minority", disabled, & infirm are being stolen to fill the already fattened pockets of some financially obese corporate raiders, BLATANTLY, and OVERTLY on the world stage....and there doesn't seem to be anything that we can do about it. Notice, I said, "seem". A lot of heads, after 2016, have lost faith in the electoral system, and I for one, don't blame them. The system is broken. Damaged. Just like someone in an abusive relationship, after it's over, the aftermath is still in effect. Truth to be told, complaining about it truly serves no purpose. Don't shed no tears, "wasted water's all that is," Bill Withers once crooned. Don't make complaints, family. Make changes. Make moves. Do some serious researching, and sleuthing, and let your voice be heard this November. Despite what some have spieled, we DO have the power to effect our future. Don't be charmed into believing that it's not so bad. As long as my Mexican hermános are being held in these concentration camps, separated from their families, and dying before they can ever be reunited with their loved ones, their only crime being their desperate search for freedom. As long as my Boriquéños are still living in an act-of-nature state of poverty and squalor, their only aid coming in the form of an imbecile jump-shooting paper towels to them. As Aslong as my Indigenous Peoples are continuing to have what little bit of their land left, taken to build a wall to deny access to other brown people. As long as the poor are being persecuted and maligned for being long as these, and more travesties still exist, crimes unpunished, I'll have my eyes wide open, and my mind firmly made up. This state of apathy, this mindset of indifference must be eliminated, if we're going to survive. The only way to defeat a poisonous serpent, is to attack it's head. Do the right thing, family.

Most of us are striving to make things happen, using our own individual gifts, and skills. It's not easy, but it's a labour of love. Oftentimes, we have than one or two heads in our camp who, no matter what you do, are quick to try and bust your balloon/rain on your parade/piss in your Cheerios, etc. Y'all know the type: always doomspeaking over your endeavours, always critical, offering unsolicited "advice", yet not having the balls to take a shot of their own. Yeah.  Y'all know whom I'm referring to. THAT type. Yet, when things start jumping off for you, guess who's the first one looking for a hook-up, credit, or recognition? Yeah. THAT type. My whole thing is this; if you're complaining about the destination of the train, what makes you think that you're deserving of a first class seat on the Success Express when she's ready to roll? Support, and blind faithfulness will get you that ticket, skillet! I cheer for all of you that are striving to fulfill your life's dream. I love to see people, not only excel, but WIN as well! Your victories inspire me to achieve my OWN goals! I don't understand, or subscribe to this climate of jealousy, envy, and hatred that seems to be permeating the atmosphere, like a nostril-scorching Clydesdale fart. Whatever you're striving for, if it's positive, and you're putting forth an honest, earnest effort into achieving that goal, I gotchu. I'm with you. Hell, I'll even rock a t-shirt with your face on it! But, if you can't reciprocate, kindly step out of the line, & make way for the passengers, as your ticket is no longer valid, and the ticket booth is closed.

If we don't stand together, we'll fall apart.

I love you all, family. Take care of one another, and hold on tightly to one another... tomorrow is promisING...NOT promised.💖💖💖
