Changes...or no?

WhatitDO, family?
   Before I delve into my mind-emptying dissertation/diatribe, I want to, belatedly, wish a Happy New year to you and your families, praying that January was the prelude to your GREATEST year, thus far!
Just finished listening to the closing arguments of this "impeachment hearing" farce. Never have I seen in my entire Double-Nickel life, a group of weak, lily-livered, spineless bunch of white collar criminals combinated & consolidated to cover the overt crimes committed by a man whose sole purpose is the serve himself. A coward who'll talk fighting words behind an entire military, while belittling, and dismissing them, much like he does the servants he's illegally hired, and employees that he criminally underpays, maligns and disrespects publically and privately. His under-the-table paid cronies (what a Dick Tracy rogues gallery bunch he's surrounded himself with!) bent and twisted every possible way, every possible rule, law, and policy to allow him to get away with a myriad of crimes against country, nation & world, with a glassy-eyed following that include women (whom he has shown blatant disdain and disregard for), people of all colors, and cultures, and sadly, the clergy. He'll happily betray anyone who befriends him, and yet, in knowing this, these fools still cover for him. Like an abused dog with nowhere else to go. What's happened to integrity? Is a buck REALLY bigger than character? He's gotten past the Mueller Report, and chances are, he'll get past this toothless lion Impeachment. The last, third, and final strike will be at the election. Can the people withstand another term with this charlatan, laughing as he slithers? We'll have no choice if we don't come together, all righteous people, regardless of differences, and use the power that we seem to have forgotten that we have. Search your souls, family, and do what's right, because divided we'll fall, if united, we do not stand. Feel me?
That was some Super Bowl, wasn't it? I'm not talking about the skill and daring of the rising star, Pat Mahomes (phenomenal player that he is), or Kansas City winning one for the first time in 50 years. Nah. That's not the big story for me. There was no Tom Brady, Bill Belicheat, or the New England Cheatriots! It's great seeing new faces, new teams, fresh blood, and even better, no consistent, endless fawning over Tom Brady. A proven cheater. I'm far from a hater, as I always give credit where it's due, but hearing that name coupled with the Greatest Of All Times tag, makes my stomach seize. Go retire, Brady. Your time is done. Go, STEELERS! ... Speaking of cheating; how about those Houston Astros? Great buncha losers, eh? Cats are so afraid of my Yankees that they have to steal signals? Unreal. Seems like corruption is oozing out of every possible crevice these days...

Anyways, family... I want you all, IMPLORE you all to keep your heads up, and know that the scales are about to be balanced, and your blessings and greatest days are on the horizon! Keep striving, and keep the faith. Something great is about to happen.

I love you all, enduringly!πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


  1. Great great insight kirk. Yes and i totally agree the scales a about to be balanced in a way like they never have before. Even in the worst of scenarios , what i know is one thing for certain two things for sure, thrre are NO coincidences and everything has merit. Even in the midst of what is seemingly precarious times; just like the 49ers vs the chiefs, overstaying your ability in the fourth quarter will definitely balamce those scales.
    Keep writing Kirk, we are listeming.


    1. Absolutely! I think that some folks are despairing because it looks as though the "bad guys" are winning, and that they're getting away with their wrongdoings, but not only does nature abhor an imbalance, so does Yah. When the last bell is rung, all that was wrong, will be corrected, and balance will be restored. Our jobs, are to continue to strive forward in positivity and excellence, utilizing the gifts that we've been blessed with. Admittedly, it took me a minute to understand that, but eventually I did. No one can derail your own Success Express, unless you give them the controls, and the engineer's hat.😊


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