Uhhhh...Say WHAT???

WhatitDO, family?

        Oftentimes, I peruse FaceBook, Instagram, and YouTube. Invariably, you may come across some pretty heady, funny, and informative things. Historical facts, nature, and sometimes, inspirational things. At least, inspirational to me. The majority of folks on these sites seem to want to make a connect, or share information, and knowledge, and that's a cool thing. Then...you have the minority (and before your drawers start bunching up around your nether regions, I'm not talking racially...if you think that YOU'RE a "minority", that's YOUR issue, and you're NOT family...y'feel me?). There are a few, mentally beleaguered, and spiritually troubled souls who lurk around these sites, and other sites on the InterNet, looking for ways to justify their meager existence. Trolls. If you've indulged in social media, you've encountered them. I guarantee it! I've logged onto a thread where the topic may be your favorite bedroom slipper, and out of nowhere, the posts become name-calling, race-baiting, political diatribes, dripping with verbal toxicity! DaFuq??? Just out of curiosity, I'll scroll back, just to see where things went South. Invariably, it'll come from a simple difference of opinion. We'll ALL have differences of opinions. There's just no way possible that we all can agree with one another. That's not how we were created. We have differences of opinion based upon our own experiences. It's neither right, or wrong. It's just different, and we're all entitled. If someone's opinion differs from mine, I'm gonna respect it, and me being me, I'll do some research for my own purposes. Where did someone's momma get involved with it? If we're talking about Star Trek, where's my race, or parentage, or financial status become involved? Whatever happened to civility? Whatever happened to respect, and intelligence? I see the toxicity EVERYWHERE, not just on social media, but media, and communications, PERIOD! People seem to think that it's okay to call someone anything other than a Child of Yah, and their own given name, just because of a difference of opinion. I just do NOT get it, family. Then, check this out, someone calls someone a "bitch", because they're not a Yankee fan, and the person being called the bitch pulls out a .45, and BANG, settles it! It's honestly come to this level of social decline! People using fighting words in a civil, respectful conversation! There are actually people who's sole purpose is to get online, and pick fights! They wake up, and before washing their miserable, funky asses, brushing their teefuses, and eating their breakfast, will log on to whatever social media site, UNDER AN ASSUMED NAME/anonymity, and see where they can stir up some shit. Keyboard Kowboys, and yes, KeyBoard Kowgirls, talking serious trash, as if they've taken on, and beaten up the entire planet! Spewing venom because their opinion differed from someone else's, and vice-versa. THEN, check THIS out, they become surprised when someone is offended to the point of threats! How can you be surprised, when you've used fighting words? Keyboard Kowboys, and Kowgirls are straight-up cowards, to me. They display their bravado behind the safety of an assumed name/pseudonym/pen name, a monitor, and a keyboard. I, personally, find them amusing, and enjoy deftly extinguishing their fire with some properly applied Jedi Mind Trickery. Those types get either bored, or frustrated with me, then slither off towards more willing and cooperative prey. I don't respond to the trolls the way they'd like. I can't be controlled like that. Here's what I suggest, family. Whenever you encounter one of these poor souls, simply ignore, block, and delete. For people whose bravado only exhibits themselves behind a keyboard, attention, ANY attention is the fuel for their unfulfilled existences. Think about it; do you think that they'd have the courage to say the things that they do, the WAY that they do, in a face-to-face convo? I certainly don't. The baddest cats, and chicks that CAN whup dat ass, don't waste time talking about it. Not one minute. So, the minute you feel that artery in your neck throbbing, and your blood pressure rising over some dumb shit that someone has said to you ON LINE, consider the fact that starting a beef with you may be the best thing that they've done in that entire WEEK! Don't give invisible ignoramuses the key to your Maybach, y'all. Stay Presidential, professional, and ROYAL.

Sac's empty, y'all...gonna be working on some stuff that I pray, will be an enhancement to all of your lives, as I love you all immensely, and unlike Keyboard Kowboys, and Kowgirls, I want to justify my existence in your worlds, in a positive, uplifting capacity, as I DO consider it an honor, and a privilege to be in your cipher.

Stay blessed, and beloved, beloveds...💖💖💖💖
