
Salutations, family!

Summer done crept up on us! Seems like just yesterday we were rocking coats and boots! Now, I see heads in tees and shorts! Time's flying by faster and faster, it seems. Speaking (loosely) of shirts and tees...(okay, horrible segue. Please forgive the random chaos, but that's what Ramblage is all about, isn't it?) I see more and more everyday, heads are becoming comfortable with being followers. Actually aspiring to be a follower! This baffles me to no end, and beyond description! Even if it's something that's CLEARLY wrong, just to belong, some choose to play along! Oh, snap. I freestyled, Didja see that? Anyways, it seems like people nowadays are happy just to recycle, and re-do, instead of create, and innovate! Whuddup with that? It seems to me that originality is being forced into the shadows, and frowned upon. Name it; TV, movies, fashion, music, it's a virtual Groundhog Day/déjà vu era we're in! The worst thing is, corny stuff being re-packaged, shined-up, and re-done  with "slight" tweaks. Racial changes in the main characters, gender changes in the main characters, sexual preference changes in the main characters, or, as in music, "covers". Whatever happened to originality? Originality used to be applauded, encouraged, and celebrated. Not anymore, it seems, and that saddens me. Instead of a mosaic of multiple colors, and a cacophony of sound, a virtual buffet/smorgasbord for the senses, things are slowly drifting towards 50 shades of grey (& I'm not referring to the book/movie!). I submit this, and implore you all, family. If you're fancying notions of branching out, and doing your own thing, do NOT be afraid! Grab that bull by the horns, and shorthairs, and do YOUR thing! Stick to your guns, and be a leader! A revolutionary! Your originality is a valuable asset. Do not concern yourself with perception. If you're doing whatever you do to cater to the opinions of others, you've already subscribed to losing. You can't use your gift with fear and trepidation as the captain and 1st officer of YOUR starship. You've been begifted with what you have, for a reason. It's certainly NOT to be a follower. If you're ever going to gamble on something, roll the dice on YOU! I guarantee you that you'll roll a seven. Straight-up jackpot, baby! I've lost track of the number of times someone's told me that they USED TO draw. I always ask, "Well, did you enjoy it?". The answer, almost always is, "Yeah, but I ain't have no time for it anymore.". Why NOT have time for something that you enjoyed? Something that moves you? Something that completes you? Most of us have jobs, this is true, and understood. Most shifts are 8 hours. For eight hours, your time isn't your own. That being said, what are you doing with the other 16??? It takes a nanosecond to decide to emulate, or follow a path that's already been paved. Maybe a few more to generate an original idea. See where I'm going with this? A little more effort will go a long way, family. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it's also lazy. Didn't take much thought, and minimal effort. Like tracing a Michelangelo. Look within yourselves, family. Reacquaint yourselves with your gifts, an allow that gift to grow, and flow! I guarantee you that the successes you attain will surpass those of the one you're trying to emulate!

Make it happen, family. Believe in your gift, as I believe in YOU!

I love and celebrate YOU, family!💖💖💖
