
What's good, family?
    I was in an admittedly blue mood, still dealing with the loss of my beloved QueenMother. One of the toughest pills I've still yet to swallow. There's a huge void, a hole, if you will, in my soul. Before I delved into a one-man pity party, I had to check myself, and remind myself that that feeling is not exclusive. There are literally LEGIONS of folks experiencing the same thing, some to an even greater degree. If you've ever loved and lost, you understand the feeling. Your recovery, your ability to cope are predicated upon what you choose to fill that hole with. Some use pharmaceuticals, and alcohol. It may provide a temporary reprieve, but once that wears off, that hole is still there, probably bigger than before. Some use anger & bitterness, which also never suffice and probably bring on a whole new set of problems. Some just leave it, and go through the motions like a Walking Dead character. The only thing that truly works, is if you fill that hole with love. Fond remembrances, experiences, funny stories, inside jokes, etc. That's what I've been using to fill my hole. The good memories, after a certain point outweigh the sad ones, and I often find myself laughing despite tears. Life's not gonna wait for you to come out from beneath the cloud, and out of the shadows. The sun will rise, set and rise again. Don't you want to see that? Each one more glorious than the other, and no two are alike. Just as no two methods for filling voids are alike. I've chosen love of life, and happiness to fill my void. The healing is slow, but gradual. I firmly believe that Moms would've wanted it this way. When you're hurting family, try filling that hole with love, and watch how the colors return to your world...

You are loved, and BEloved, family...💖💖💖💗💕💕💕
