Things That Make You Go..."Huh?"

   What's good, family?
  We're living in some really bizarre times. Never in my life have I seen where people hurting one another, is en vogue! And the callousness is just astounding! People who KNOW that they're doing the wrong thing, doing them anyway, THEN, either apologizing, or going on about their businesses, as if the discrepancy was never committed! Where is the love, y'all? Is love played-out, all of a sudden? I know that oftentimes, acts of kindness, go unappreciated. I know these things, have seen, and experienced it. Do you let it change you? No! Do you stop? No! To thine own self, be true! If love is at your core, continue to do so! Don't let anyone tell you that doing so is a bad thing, played-out, or passé. When all is said and done, it's all we have, and all we need. Lionel (Lion-Face) Richie once sang, "Love Will Conquer All", and Brass Construction (my old-school heads know these cats!) sang, "Love Is What We Need". They're both right...

Uhhhhh... what's with all of these NFL cats, and these overnight growths of dreadlocks? Ya had a fade, last season, now you have Cher Bono dreadlocks hanging out the back of your helmet! A ten-year growth, literally overnight! C'mon, fellas. Y'all lookin' crazy!
   I wonder if all of the Trumpanzees working for the government, who voted this Orange Schmendrick into office, who whooped and hollered at his rallies, who are now in financial dire straits, are singing this idiot's praises when the rent, or mortgage, or utilities payments are due, and there's no money for it.  Dude cares not for us average Joe's. We're expendable. Our struggles and losses are considered acceptable Collateral damage by this administration. IF we believe in one another, WE need to support OUR businesses. When all is said and done, small businesses are gonna rule. Watch. Give it a couple of years. You'll see more people spending their money with small businesses, as these big businesses, with their corrupt execs, who are in league with corrupt politicos, go the way of the Titanic.
   I may need to leave sports alone for a minchit, as my teams are coming up short, on the reg, and I'm a sore ass loser! Speaking of...when did my smashmouth, bloody nosed Steelers become such dramatical pansies??? Hissy-fits? On the Steelers??? Unacceptable! This skinny jean generation is killing me, with their über-sensitive, politically correct ways. I need an island with monthly food drops, consisting of Snickers and Reese Cups! Y'all let me know when this nonsense is over!
   Anyways, sac's drained. Don't let a day go by without telling your loved ones that they're loved. At the blink of an eye, they could be gone. I'm reminded of that whenever I hear "Sadie" (the Spinner's version, thank you), and think of Moms. Don't squander precious time on pettiness, jealousies, and foolishness, because that consumes, and wastes time. Love is indeed, what we need.

I love you all...💖💖💖


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These were some hot topics kirk. Relevant all the same. I do believe that conscious thought and conscious effort are beget by conscious value. Value of life and value of one self. People have begun to settle, settle for the mask if life that has been presented to them. In many ways I believe people have lost hope especially in our community. People have traded living for existing.. if your input to self is not love you won't have any output of love to give for its impossible to give what you don't have or give what isn't you. I think that some people are tired also of being "cookie cutter" societal norms in regards to the hair I mean.. I think the dreads symbolize returning to your roots sort of A SANKOFA moment ( to return from whence you came( we are most definitely in a particular season and time. People have traded love for instant gratification and deception. People are comfortable hurting one another because they are driven by ego . The ego seeks only to serve itself and what's beneficial for it and it alone. So things like honesty LOYALTY and sincerity take a vacation seat because it means giving of yourself and you can't give of yourself and keep it all for yourself simultaneously. I think the Trump Era is forcing realization to set in. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe he was placed in office for a reason. Although many of his antics are self serving, it also forces people to look at themselves and face their reality. I like your Symphony of thought here, simply because it evoked thought. We are definitely in a time where SOME are of the "lay, obey, ok" movement.
    Very well written kirk. As always keep writing, we are listening.


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