An Open Field

   What's good, family? Happy Blessed New Year to you & your's, as well as to those that I haven't reached out to.
   Had to cocoon myself for a spell, whilst rearranging the furniture, if you smell what I've just cooked. I've reemerged from isolation, and am ready the smell the roses, and marvel over sunsets, sunrises, gentle rainfalls, and seasonal whispers.
   We're in 2019, with the turn of the page, tick of the clock, and drop of the ball. 2018 was a trying, tough year. Not only for me, but for more than a few of us. We've endured anything from global warming natural disasters, to shady dealings from a corrupt government, who's wickedness rears it's head on a regular basis, further stealing from those whom they've promised to serve. Some of us, in following the hijinks of an unbalanced doomed despot, seem to have taken their eyes off of their prize. We're engaging in hurtful, thoughtless rhetoric and actions and call it "candor", & "honesty", which, in either case, it isn't. While I'm not going to engage in wide-sweeping indictments, negative actions are more prevalent, and accepted, now, more than any time in my life. Yet, despite all of the faddish nastiness going on, love still exists. I still see acts of love, and kindness on a daily basis, and I daresay, those indulging in negativity are truly the "minority".
   There are a few things that I've decided to leave behind in 2018. Doubt, insecurity, and anger are a few of the majors. In nurturing those toxic seeds, I caught myself almost harvesting a poisonous crop. Almost. I needed to remember my mission. That mission is to be a light in a slowly darkening world, utilizing the gifts that Yah saw fit to generously bless me with. I was trying to write on a page that was already filled, hindering my own growth, which is tantamount to a criminal offence. How did I rectify? I simply, literally, and figuratively turned the page. Ball dropped, page turned, new air, new day, clear field. The pen for this new chapter is filled with honey. 2018's was filled with Apple cider vinegar. Change is made.
   As your own pages have turned, I imagine that you all are positively hopeful, and expect that your fortunes will be changing for the better. I believe that for you, and have it in prayer FOR you. However, the only way that your hot air balloons are going to rise, is if you drop those sandbags marked "2018". Do your due diligence, check your inventory, and purge where you see fit. These are turbulent times, true, but as long as you're breathing, and your heart is beating, you can make changes for the better. Don't be afraid to reach for the gold ring, be afraid of NOT reaching for it, and finding out that it had your name engraved on it. Y'feel me?
   I'm going to play in my field, and draw in my brand new sketch pad, filled with blank pages, waiting for me to fill those pages with success, accomplishments, positivity, and love.
   Claim your prizes, family. That gold ring DEFINITELY has your name on it.

  I'm looking forward to what the rest of this year brings. Not just for myself, but for you, and your's, family. Let everyday have a Christmas Eve-type of excited anticipation feel to it. Good, no, GREAT things are on the horizon, menu, and agenda, and I want to see all of you receive your presents.

  Much, unconditional love and support to you all, as you forge ahead towards your greatness...💕💕💕


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  2. Kirk this was A masterpiece. Beautifully excited and prophetic in verbiage. This new year is definitely going to be the emerging from.the rubble of laying the new foundation. Take your time and enjoy and savor each moment as time is constant yet OUR time; uncertain. Keep writing., sharing and discovering Kirk we are listening


    1. I appreciate that, Jenesis... In a world where negativity is the trend, I choose to defiantly go against the grain!


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