A Change Is Gon' Come...

What's crackin', family?

   Well... It seems like, on the surface, we're a world of liars, thieves, cheats, & despoilers celebrating the antics of a despotic white collar criminal, with serious character issues. I, frankly, tire of the toxin being spewed on a regular basis, and even MORE tired of the redundancy &  predictability. Seems like we're on a path of self-destruction, and cannibalism on a daily basis. Keyboard cowboys, and Cowgirls spew misspelled verbal venom from behind the safety of a keyboard and screen, starting fires that they don't have the balls to stick around and take credit for starting. When did rudeness, and disrespectful behaviour become acceptable? I'm a loner, and I choose that, because I'm akin to Hannibal Lector, when it comes to manners, and since caving in someone's faceplate is against the law, I roll anonymously.

   I ALSO see, ALSO on a daily, almost hourly basis, acts of human decency, kindness, & compassion, that counter this faddish negativity that seems to permeate the atmosphere. It doesn't get as much press as the negativity, but it's there.
   This Trump Shutdown is putting a lot of folks in situations where their ways of life are being severely compromised, and endangered. People who thought that a government job provided stability and security. Families are being affected. Families. HE can "ride it out", because he's sitting on a treasure trove of borrowed and stolen money. Resources that the average low level government worker has absolutely no access to. They're struggling. And yet, we're seeing human decency raise it's head in the midst of the toxic maelstrom. Stores, and restaurants offering meals to those who suddenly, are afraid that they're not going to be able to feed their families. People are donating time, energy, and resources to ensure that their fellow man does not fall. Perhaps this chaos that exists is a blessing in disguise. Perhaps it's forcing us as human beings to understand and realize that we are all that we have, and that if we do NOT combinate and consolidate, we have no one else to blame, BUT ourSELVES, when we fail. It's in all of us to excel. Question is, do we really WANT to? I believe that in the near future, the scales will be balanced in favor of the righteous, NOT in favor of those who THINK right, while doing wrong. Like Sam Cooke crooned, "A change is gon' come..." Oh, yes it will.

   Regarding those MAGA Minions who showed utter disrespect against my Native brothers, did you ACTUALLY believe that the Idiot-In-Chief was gonna voice outrage? C'monnnn, son. His cause is clear, and is ABUNDANTLY clear, when he's off-script. Stop disappointing yourself by expecting civility from him. His act is predictable...and boring...and corny. Let's stay focused on our goals, and understand that we TOGETHER canNOT be stopped by those hiding behind keyboards and screens, or those hiding behind titles. You don't need a title to be empowered. It's already in you! Seek, find, nurture, treasure, excel, and most importantly, SHARE! Pay it forward, family. We're wealthier than the wealthiest 4% of this country, do you realise that? No? Well, now you do. Come together...right now, and do NOT let the hate-based meanderings and ramblings of a fear-based despot deter you from blazing your own path to excellence. You CAN do it! I believe in you, and look forward to your rise!

  Sac's drained, y'all. I just want you all to NOT be despaired, or distracted by all of the racist foolishness in the air. Like a truly epic odoriferous fart, it'll soon dissipate, to be replaced by fresh air, and you'll be breathing freely again. This era is gonna provide a ton of comedy, and dozens of books, and miniseries. I can confidently say this, because I KNOW that things are going to improve. Just continue to excel, and seek excellence, and before you know it, you'll be sitting in your penthouse office, running your own businesses (why stop at ONE?), wondering whatever happened to that Trump clown.
   You'll see.

   In the meantime, please don't forget to love on one another. Freely, fearlessly, and fabulously. Love is what we need, as it is at our core, and the key to our happinesses. Invest wisely.
I love you all.๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
