Choppin' It Up...with I/Me...

  WhatitDO, family? 
    How's everyone's Summer been? Went by really quickly, didn't it? I hope that everyone's Summer was productive, fruitful, with an abundance of love, happiness, fun, and, barbecue (STILL waitin' on my plate, y'all…)!
    I was asked one time, "If you could talk to your younger self, what would you say to yourself? What advice would you give?" A very intriguing, and interesting question, as I've envisioned that myself, at times. Well, here's what I'd say: (Firstly, delving into my Bag of Melodrama, I'll have to set up the scenario for you, as my mind sometimes imagines in the theatric...) It's a cool Autumn afternoon...not TOO cool, but not chilly, either. I'm with the Legendary, Enigmatic Grey Ghost, cruising down Central Park East, windows down, listening to some old-school music on my own "K_Boogie Jointz" CD that I've burned as my traveling music, with the windows down, on a Sunday early afternoon. I see a little broski sitting on a park bench (Central Park is GLORIOUS during Autumn! If you haven't been, please treat yourself!), by himself. I almost flip my heavens-to-Murgatroid platinum coif when I realize that that little ME! I park the Ghost, and walk over to the bench where I/Me am straight up chillin', daydreaming (as I was notorious for doing in school (Sorry, Miss Levin!)), and lost in my own world. I was a friendly little Kirkster, as a kid. Always willing to have a friendly conversation with whomever wanted to chop it up with me. Sadly, that didn't happen often, or someone would have something mean to say, pertaining to my weight. I learned that being friendly, in a not-so-friendly world can make one gun-shy. So, I often kept to myself, not wanting to risk feeling the Whip Of Ignorance's lash. 
   Hesitatingly, I approached...I/Me. Handsome, happy little chap, if I must say so myself! Hesitatingly, I said, "What's up, bro?" Hesitatingly, I/Me replied, "H-Hi!" It took a minute for the ice to break, because I could tell that he'd had his feelings hurt often, but never let anyone know it. Kept it bottled up. I can relate. Obviously. We chatted on about all of the things that I/Me liked; comic books, cartoons, music, Ma's fried chicken (best in human history!), and sports, especially baseball, and my beloved Yankees. I/Me liked girls, too, but they were confusing, and sometimes mean, but I/Me had made a decision to not bother them, until I/Me could figure them out.  Delightful, insightful little kid, and I was thoroughly enjoying choppin' it up with...I/Me.
   I noticed a little sadness between topics. It was all in the eyes. I could see it. I/Me admitted to not having a whole lot of friends. I/Me was picked on, by other kids, because of his weight. Now, mind you, I/Me wasn't a gigantic kid. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Just a chunky, healthy cat. Back in the days, that was categorized as "fat". We chatted about that, at length, and I could see where he had been hurt, as scars began to materialize. THIS is where I needed to step in, and counsel, console, and comfort...I/Me.
   I/Me was concerned that he would never find love, because of his size. I let him know that while  size was always going to be a part of his/our life, it wouldn't be a cause of ridicule, as we would eventually find our voice, and our confidence, and we would speak up for ourselves, and thoroughly dispatch and dismiss anyone who sought to clown us. "WE?". "Yes, little dude..."we"." I/Me stopped and looked at me, puzzled, and it was a look of excitement, and acceptance that came over him. It was THEN that he really knew who I was/am. Having a free, vivid imagination made all of it easy to fathom.We rambled on excitedly about any, and everything under the sun, and I watched his confidence grow. He then asked me the Burning Question... "Is that...your car?" pointing excitedly at the Immortal Grey Ghost. I said, "Nah, little broski...She's OUR car." Of course you know that I/Me had to get a closer look, and eventually go for a spin! We rode around to all of the places in NY that I used to go. Oftentimes, by myself, and I would explain to I/Me that it was okay to go to bookstores, movies, plays, etc., alone. I also explained to I/Me that if you can't enjoy your own company, you'll never be a joy to others. It struck a chord with I/Me, and I could see that he truly understood the concept. Like I said, insightful, and delightful little dude.
   As we came to the end of our journey, I returned I/Me to the bench from whence he came, and told him to have patience. Be patient with himself. Don't rush time, because it can't be rushed, and that in due time, greatness and great things will come your way, because not only do you want it, it will already be IN you. A dap, and a hug later, I made my way to the Ghost. We had places to go, things to do, and speed limits to violate. I looked back, sadly, as I was hating to leave, and I/Me was gone. I looked and didn't spot him/us. It was then that I realized. I/ IN me! That enthusiastic, friendly little kid, who loved his comic books, was/is in ME. All this time. Happy about who I've become, and amazed about the things that I do, and excited about the things that are on the horizon. I've found that staying in contact with I/Me on a regular basis has kept me youthful, and excited about life. I know that there are a lot of people unfamiliar with this concept, and will tell you, "At some time, you have to grow up, and leave some things behind.". True. but leaving the inner child that exists in YOU, is a travesty, and a crime of the spirit. YOUR spirit. There's a little boy, or girl in you, sitting on a park bench, waiting to chop it up with you. He, or she, is eagerly awaiting your arrival...your counsel... your friendship. Whatever you do, family, love on yourself. Do something fun. Laugh. Love. Be spontaneous. Be silly. Be spontaneously silly! Embrace life. These are not fun times, as it seems we have been taught to hate one another for shit that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. How can you hate something that Yah has so beautifully created?
   Go to that playground. Once, twice, three times a week, day, even HOURLY if you need to! Take that time out from being a "grown-up", and hang out with your absolute best friend. He, or she, is waiting.

Sac's flaccid, family.
   Walk in love.

       Yah bless you all, eternally.


  1. This is brilliant kirk. I think hindsight is always. 20/20 and in hindsight my inner child has always needed to reconnect with the adult. This blog has evoked so much reflective thought and raw emotion I literally read this piece 6 times. Each time I read it, it ministered to me differently. This was so spiritual and divine in thought and execution.
    Keep up the great work kirk we are listening


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