Juggling Topics

  Salutations, family! Strap in and buckle up, because I'm all over the place, today! Like Savoire Faire, I'm everywhere!

  We lost the mighty Aretha the other day. No last name needed, because like Connor McLeod, the Highlander, there can be only one. If you need to know the last name, then kindly turn in your Ramblage Membership card, and kindly exit Stage Left, heavens to Murgatroid! She epitomized the word, "diva". Walked the way she wanted to, said whatever she wanted, & didn't give a frog's fat ass WHAT you thought about her outfit, she was gonna wear the hell out of it. Every song she sang, was hers. Uniquely hers, and hers alone. There will NEVER be another of her ilk, and sadly, the ranks are thinning, as music has replaced class with trash. The ones who really CAN sing, are being shunned for these soundalike warblers, who get that cash by showing that ass. It's a sad state of affairs when a singer/innovator like Erykah, isn't bigger than she is. Strange times, indeed. Rest blessed, & rise wise Queen Aretha. That Heavenly Choir is stocked with some Number One Stunnahs, and I miss them all. ... Why do mugs still root for Tiger Woods? I'm not a golf fan, but sometimes, when the T.V. is watching me, a round will be on, & I'll watch, for as long as my attention span will permit. I can easily see a man going through the motions. He's not enjoying himself. I remember he used to have this energy, & charisma, and an enthusiasm. Now...he looks like someone who goes about their task almost begrudgingly.  As if they HAVE to do it, not because they WANT to. When that fire is gone, it'll show in your performance. Dude was done awhile ago. I feel that if you're not enjoying what you do, either find a way to improve, & recharge, or find something else. Nothing worse than going through the motions. Time wasted, can never be recovered, and a bell can never be un-rung, family. ... Walls seem to be closing in on ya bwoy, Trumpski, the Orange Sphincter, eh? His administration and his cronies CLEARLY epitomize the adage, "no honor amongst thieves", as rats are deserting that sinking ship with frightening expediency,  with each new indictment!  You'll REALLY know that it's a wrizzap when Rudy " The Lisp" Giuliani, & Dumb Trump, Jr. start strapping on their lifevests. Stay tuned, as this is gonna make a HELLUVA movie! ... My Yankees. Don't hate. Don't do it. Just join the "Evil Empire". You know that you want to.😉 ... If the National Anthem were played at your job, and standing was required, would you stand, or would you kneel? MY knees would be black, ashy & scarred from all of the kneeling. FokDAT. How 'bout YOU? ... How do people eat duck? That shit is sooooo nasty! It tastes like it smells, y'all! If duck was the last meat on the planet, broccoli, spinach & collard greens would have to go into Witness Protection,  because ya bwoy, the Amazing Kirkster would be bingeing like a savage! Duck is nasty, yo. ... I see a pair of suede Pumas in my future. I saw a pic of a pair recently, & a whole bunch of memories hit me. I remember when wearing a pair of suede Pumas was a status symbol, ESPECIALLY if you had a suede brush to keep those mugs velvety! Yeah...Ebay, I'm on THE way! ... Been bangin' out some righteous cabbage, lately. The Funky Trombone has been replaced by the Fonky Tuba. I pity my neighbors. FokDAT. They'll be aight! Just crack a window! ...
Sac's empty, y'all. We're living in a world in which peril may await us, every time we step outside of the door, for circumstances beyond our control. No one chooses their color or gender. Yah has done that. Just as we use our free will to do whatever pleases us, we can ALSO choose to ignore the nonsense & propaganda,  & choose to love one another, respect & appreciate the differences that we all have. I believe that Yah made us different, not only because He wanted to, but because he wants us to appreciate our differences, embrace one another as family, and LEARN how to communicate with one another. Let's try & make that happen, y'all. The antidote for the venom we've been exposed to, is love. It's all IN us.
Be loved, beloved.💞💕💞💕


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome tangent if you want to call it that. It does indeed seem to be a changing of the guards. I do think that when you see a king or a queen in their right like Aretha the transition is a sign that there are changes, major changes on the rise. Trump as undignified and just unnecessarily assholey as he may be. The one that that is clear is that he is forcing people to choose where and what their stance is as well as he is forcing thought and accountability he is forcing assimalationists to choose what their path shall be. Even on the most negative of situation like trump there where always be God. Communication is most definitely key. Most listen to respond but not to understand and in that some of the most precious messages and gems are lost. This season is definitely about changes and being focused on your path and your journey.
    Excellent reading as always kirk
    Keep up the good work we are listening.


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