Do You REALLY Mean To Dress Like That?

WhatitDO,  family? Prayerfully,  y'all are enjoying your Summer. Still waiting for someone to bless me with a plate of barbecue.  There's still time!😄
   I was out and about the other day, and was sorely dismayed by the state of dress of some of our friendly neighborhood neighbors. Or should I say, "undress"? Better yet, "DIStress"! Some of these mugs have gone from grunge to garbage, y'all! I'm not even gonna rant on about the Sag, because I don't wanna seem echolalic. You know what...FokDAT!  Let's rant! WHEN the frock is this fashion travesty gonna end? One of the stupidest fashion trends, EVER, surpassing the old laceless Adidas trend, back in the '80's!  Remember that? I think that the one way to kill that trend, is for the females to start showing a distaste for it. Guys are always out to impress a female, no matter how confident they are, dudes live to impress the ladies. So, if all of the females, from teens to seniors start telling these fools to pull up their pants, & let 'em know that no one wants to see their nasty ass, and shit-striped drawers, maybe mugs will start dressing respectfully. I DO hope that it dies in MY lifetime. I remember when cats used to take pride in their appearances. If you had a 'fro, that coif looked like velvet, & was inhumanly round, with some Afro Sheen to enhance the velvetiness! MANDATORY pick in the back pocket, as a mug was always prepared in the event a strong wind came through, & messed up the dynamics of yo' 'fro. SHWEEEEEEET mock necks, with a semi-strangulation tightness! Don't get caught out there with a drunk ass mock, or turtleneck on. Yo'ass was ridiculed for LIFE! Inhumanly sharp crease in the jeans (Lee, Jordache, Tale-Lord), as well as in your AJ's, Overlaps, & French Cuts. I remember my brother Kyle (bro was BORN clean, y'all!), monopolizing the ironing board for hours with his precision ironing! (To this day, I STILL don't know what he used the ruler for!😄😄😄) If your colors weren't matching, you got snapped on. If you tried to rock print with print, you got snapped on. And for God's sake, do NOT step out of the house with any fake shit, & try to play it off! One of my boys tried that, until we counted the stripes on his Shell-Toe Adidas. FOUR stripes, bro? Nah, B. You're DONE! We took exTREME pride in our appearances.  From the coif, to carrying a suede brush, just in case we got a little dirt on our suede Pumas.  Nowadays...mugs look like walking, living, breathing cases of impetigo! Smelling like mouldering asscheese,  green peas, & hamper stench! Whatever wasn't running to the washer, is gonna be worn, regardless the pattern, or color! And the females....Naw, y'all gets NO pass! How do you traipse out of the house in pajamas, rollers, wife-beaters, and rollers??? "I'm just going to the store!". Yeah, but you have to go OUTSIDE, to go to the store! Don't y'all get it??? The moment you set foot outside of your house, you're representing yourSELF! You don't care, it will truly show, & you will be treated accordingly! A few minutes to tighten it up before you leave your sanctuary will not hurt. You get no rewards for being apathetic,  & pathetic!

Dress for success, & success will be your's, family. If you look like a million bucks, you'll attract millionaires!  Make sense?

Sac's empty, y'all...I needs to bust some ironing. Stay diligent in your prayer, & righteous in your endeavours, & you'll see your stock rise!



  1. That piece was dope kirk.
    I think more than anything our mentality definitely needs a change and a boost. I agree with your perspective on acceptance. The less we accept mediocrity and NO standards the better off our input output residuals will be. Good word Kirk as always keep up the good work we are listening.


    1. I appreciate that, Jeneisis! I try not to sound rigid & "fuddy-duddyish" , but I think that our society has grown into not just accepting mediocrity, it's become attention- starved. Some people wear something provocative, just for attention. It's gone from the sublime, to the ridiculous! I can hardly wait 'til the fashion wheel lands on the shirts, ties, suits & other pieces of sartorial splendor! Hopefully, it'll be soon, because if I see another skinny-jean wearing, leopard print tights on a dude, I'm gonna hurl massive chunks!


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