Just Draining The Main Brain...

   I was watching Tiger Woods today. I'm not a huge golf fan, as I like action. There's just too much standing around, talking, and thinking in golf for me. See ball, see hole, hit ball, in hole. Repeat, let's go eat. Y'know what I mean? Anyway, back to Tiger. I was watching this fool, and I honestly think that he peaked early. Still relatively young, he shot his best shot early. Like a sparkler.  The thrill lasts momentarily. His shtick is obvious. Get the people hyped, get mad at himself for blowing some easy putts, collect the check, another bland post-game interview,  on to the next tournament. Not mad at his hustle. I just think that it's sad to see someone going through the motions. You can see it in his eyes. He's lost the eye of the tiger. (Oooo...y'all see what I did there?...Too fly.) ... Sooooo, brown shoes go with EVERYTHING nowadays??? Seems like colorblindedness is what's en vogue nowadays. ... I must be old. I actually watch programs like "60 Minutes", & "Face The Nation". How the hell did THAT happen??? ... You ever stop & think that, we, human beings, are our own worst enemy, & hold the key to our own demises? If I had a dollar for every time I thought, or asked, "Why the hell did they do that?", in the past few years, I'd be able to pay our student loans, and your unborn great-grand's student loans, thrice over!... Rudeness seems to be acceptable these days. Like some twisted fad. Mugs had better hope that face-slappification doesn't come into style, because I have big ass meathooks. ... Politicians, worldwide, are letting the people down. Instead of us, the people, being served by them, they've somehow flipped the script, entirely! Y'all notice that? ... One thing that I love about movies, is the opportunity to escape the doldrums of every day life. John Wick, or Bob "The Equalizer"McCall, goes into a joint, blasts 9,000 Russian mobsters to smithereens, & walks out with a couple of cuts, and a limp. No po-po, 5-Oh, or EMT's responding to the sight of massive gunfire & explosion, no feds. Nothing. It's all fantasy, illusion, smoke, mirrors & CGI. No, you're NOT gonna make friends with a T-Rex. They don't exist. If they did, your slow-running, screaming ass would be a quick appetizer. No, you're NOT gonna survive that massive stab wound in your leg. Your femoral artery's been severed, & you're a few minutes away from pushing up daisies, my late friend. My point is; allow yourself some escapism. Don't bring reality into fantasy, & please don't bring fantasy into reality. The two weren't meant to mix. You can use fantasy as a way to jump on that "magic carpet" & disappear for awhile. Do what you can, once you leave the theater, to improve on your own reality. It's a lot harder than it looks on the screen, but the results are tangible & long-lasting. Once the credits roll, the movie's over. YOUR "movie", however, is a continuously running series. Whether it's featuring a happy ending or not, is predicated upon what YOU do. Richard Gere is not gonna come scoop you up, & make all of your dreams come true. That's YOUR job. Be your OWN Richard Gere. You CAN do it. Stop wasting money on the lottery. The shit is rigged. Why not gamble on YOU? YOUR dreams, YOUR goals. Stop looking for the quick fix, & put in work on the slow build. Honest efforts will be rewarded as long as you believe in yourSELF, & your Lord. Apply that effort & watch what happens.

I believe in YOU, family.

Go get YOUR'S!!!💕💕💕


  1. Facts...investment in self is first and foremost. Once you realize all that you need is within then develop the patience to cultivate and master that craft. YOUR GIFT WILL ALWAYS MAKE ROOM FOR YOU. THIS was well written and highly motivating kirk, keep up the good work man there are people y out there , young men especially who need your wisdom, experience and tenacity to dream. Much success to you Kirk keep dream, keep manifesting, keep leading sir, we are watching


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