
Family... The year's a little over 1/4th over, and it already feels like we've lived 2! We're being put through the wringer, aren't we?
Seems as if we may be on the verge of war with a couple of nations, and the one's with the biggest beefs will never face one another on the field of battle. Men in ill-fitting suits are calling the shots, dictating how you live your life, how you worship, WHO you worship, & whom & how you choose to love. Isn't this supposed to be the "land of the free, home of the brave"? I'm starting to see less of one, & little of the other.
   Lies of the magnitude we've had to absorb, life-altering lies, are the signs of a huge cowardly character flaw. People in positions of leadership & authority are held to a higher standard, than the "average Joe". May not be realistic, but it's the way of the world. There are childish, ignorant, and self-absorbed people in positions of authority, with arsenals of colossal destructive capabilities at their disposal. We are in a bit of trouble, and the people we've elected to serve us, don't trust us to tell us the truth, & clearly don't seem to care, as they make decisions pertaining to our lives, & lifestyles that put us in peril. Decisions made cavalierly, because they're not at the frontline, dodging the bullets. We must stay prayerful, and faithful. While it may seem hopeless & chaotic, please believe that the Lord WILL bring order & peace back to the forefront.

Stay prayed-up,  family.
Yah loves you, & so do I.💕
