Sooo...Y'wanna Fight...with keyboards???

Is it me, or are people becoming more and more HYPER-sensitive these days? You KNOW it's bad when people get mad at you for poking fun at yourSELF! I'm in need of a vacation from civilization!  Mugs are just entirely too uptight! Just as bad are the KnowItAlls! They are all over the internet! YouTube is infested with them! Simple commentary can turn into a profanity-laced 30+ entry thread, where name-calling & empty threats are the order of the day. I used to let it bother me, & got into pointless arguments with ignoramuses who found their balls behind the safety of social media. Oh, sure, some offer to meet you somewhere to settle the dispute face-to-face, but YOU know that they'd never truly follow through. Knowing that, I love to use the Jedi Mind Trick on them. Get 'em so flustered & confused, they're agreeing with me without realizing it. Being a nerd is so much fun! ... Doesn't Steve Harvey kinda look like a fat-faced, bald-headed, Chiclet-toothed Richard Pryor? His teefuses are SO brolic, though! I wonder if he paid as much for those choppers, as he did for those suits, annnnd let's not forget those luxurious hairpieces!  Soooo lush, full &,glorious! Yo, I wanna see him, Puff Daddy, & former Detroit Piston, Chauncey Billups in a corn on the cob and carrot-eating contest. I do. I guaranTEE you, it would be a sight to behold! ... Sac's empty, y'all. Despite all of the foolishness that this buffoon of a president is putting us through, I see a light at the end of the tunnel, through the fog. We are gonna make it, family. Despite divisive propaganda being fed to us on an hourly basis, I'm slowly starting to see us come together. It's a slow process, and while I still see some people drinking of the tainted waters of divisiveness, I'm seeing more admit themselves to "re-hab", & coming out in a new positive light. We WILL come out on top, as long as we stick TOGETHER! 
Stay blessed, don't forget to live, laugh & love fiercely, staunchly & with every fiber of your being.
  See you at the Impeachment Pool Party!
You are loved!💕💞
