Well, 2017 was QUITE a year, wasn't it? I don't know anyone who's mourning the passing of 2017.  Is America great again yet? Please wake me when it is, AND before you go-go, by the way.
   I believe that everyone's a bit worn out by all of the drama that seemed to be the order of the day, in 2017.  I'm declaring 2018 as MY personal year of peace. All squabbles & crap,  are being left behind. If it wasn't settled by 11:59:59 12/31/2017, it's history. Period. Leaving that raggedy-ass, funky bag on the 2017 platform. The Success Express is already at the 2018 Station. Like the immortal O'Jays sang, on "Love Train", "...if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for yooooooo...".
   I was kinda hoping that we coulda left sags & skinny jeans behind, but even in a blizzard with arctic temperatures, I see some losers still holding on to one of the most ignorant fads in human history. One can only hope and pray.
   I'm gonna stop being mad at my fellow Americans for the Orange Sphincter's miraculous, undeserved ascension into the Presidency . I'm done with that.  What I'D like to know is; what the frock is the Electoral College, how is it that it can overturn a majority vote?  I thought that it was, "We, the PEOPLE "! What's the purpose of an election when it can be overturned? Someone break it down for a citizen!
   Mother Nature is TRULY showing her power. Cali, after being burnt, is now being inundated with mudslides! Major prayers for all affected. Is Mother Nature sending a message to non-believers? I, personally,  believe so. Take heed, pay attention & pray hard, family. We're in for a bumpy ride!....Oh, snap! Rod Stewart's having a concert? Isn't bro like, 85.5 years old? Son better saddown before he blows a hip! ... Sac's empty, y'all, but before I bounce, I want to implore you to not only remain focused upon your goals, & dreams (because they're STILL attainable), but take the time out to love, BE loved, MAKE love, and just be drenched & bedraggled in that which makes you euphoric. Also, take the time out to have fun with, and enjoy your family & friends. Whatever happens, keep in mind, victory is an illusion, for those undeserving.
   Marinate on that,  family.
Keep in mind that no matter what...you ARE loved.

See youse at the Impeachment Yacht Party!😊💕
