Firstly, and foremost, I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving. Spending time with the family, especially in these turbulent times, becomes more and more important, as the days grow shorter, and shorter. Seems like time's moving at a mercurial speed doesn't it? I know that some folks are a bit afraid, because they feel that they're hurtling toward the ends of their lives, endtimes, etc. I can kind of understand that, because it may innately be human nature to fear the unknown. Yet, there's an enormous part of me that feels that, if you've done no wrong, why should you fear the future? I know that these are doubtful, negative times, (if you believe everything that the media shovels your way...) yet, why subscribe to that negativity? It may be human nature to fear the unknown, but isn't it also human nature to rebel in unfavorable conditions? These are unfavorable times, so...why not rebel? Don't feed into the madness, add fuel to the fire, etc. REBEL against that! Go against the grain! Instead of going with the current, swim upstream! That current will surely lead to a waterfall, which is surely unsurvivable. Have you ever heard of anyone swimming towards a waterfall, going over the falls, and coming up smiling? I certainly haven't. Like Speech, from that group, "Arrested Development" once sang, "I'm a rebel, so I reBEL..." Makes sense to me, family! You, rather, WE still have goals to achieve, obstacles to overcome, mountains to climb, records to break, precedences to set, offices to claim, & doubters to surprise! Smile warmly at naysayers, doomsayers, and doubters as you bypass them on your road to success! Who told you that you may as well give up? Call them a liar, because Yah CERTAINLY doesn't sanction that talk! Call them a liar, because CLEARLY they are a minion of the Adversary sent to derail you, and keep you from claiming your blessings, family! If you've ever encountered the scenario I just described, please step back, and kiss yourself, because not only are you on the path to achieving your goals, you've encountered a minion of the Adversary, and your Powers of discernment are spot ON! Give yourself a standing ovation, and wave ta-ta to the minion, as you progress onward, upward, and forward. A minion can't stop you...neither can the Adversary. The only one who can stop YOU. Stay on your path, stay faithful, and stay diligent in your quest, and desire to fulfill your dreams, and goals, family. As a matter-of-fact, why not turn those dreams into plans, and those plans into goals, and those goals into accomplishments? See what just happened there? Didja see the progression? There's no "reverse" gear in progress. If there's one on YOUR Success Lambourghini, bypass it. It doesn't exist. It was placed there by the Adversary, and is just an illusion. Claim your victory, amidst the madness, and do not be distracted, or afraid. You are magnificently blessed, and equipped for this mission, and the Lord KNOWS that YOU are the one for this mission!
That is YOUR assignment, family...Go out there, and conquer complete, and claim.
Sac's empty, y'all. You are loved, and I'll see you all at the Impeachment Luau!💞💖💕
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