Rapid Descent Into Madness On A Slow-motion Rollercoaster

Sphincter canNOT be serious. Didja see the shyt he did in the midst of supposedly honoring Native American war heroes? He actually took time out to slander a Native American politico, in the middle of clumsily muddling through an unscripted tribute to these heroes. His utter disdain for other cultures, races, & gender becomes more & more evident, & brazen, & not only is it embarrassing, it's becoming dangerous.       Although the number of Trumpanzees appear to be dwindling, as they slither embarrassingly back to the holes that spewed them, there are still some die-hard blowhards, ignorantly, defiantly defending his ignorant actions, blissfully unaware that if they're not amongst the super-wealthy, all of these cuts, & bills created to undo the Obama legacy, will affect them just as they'll negatively affect lower/middle class folks. So, all of those tiki carrying in-bred ignoramuses spouting Nazi rhetoric will get the shaft, just like the people they've been taught to hate. While, I don't wish ill will on anyone, justice & karma are forces that simply cannot be denied, and hit even harder when one is in denial. Arrogance, egotism, & narcissism, are often tools used to mask serious inadequacies, or character flaws. Or even madness. We all have front row seats of a gradual decline of sanity, into a bubbling tar pit of madness. Flip side of the coin will also allow us the privilege of seeing the scales balanced, & justice served. Have patience, stay focused upon the completion of your goals, stay positive, and stay alert. Not only for unprovoked attacks, but mostly, for your blessings. The only way to catch those blessings, is to keep your head up, & eyes forward. Yah does not work in reverse, and your blessings don't come from below. I have you all in prayer, and I KNOW that when all is said & done, we WILL rise together in victory. While it may appear that the Adversary is winning, don't be fooled! Illusions are part of his Tools Of Distraction, used to get you to take your eyes off of the prize, family! Don't fall for the okeedoke! You're a LOT closer to your victory than you realize! Stay the course...victory will be your's, & together, we'll rejoice, & give praise & thanks to the Most High, for giving us the strength, guidance, & tenacity needed to weather these storms & attacks. Each day brings you one day closer. One day. Don't let that be the day AFTER you decide to toss in the white towel of surrender. Keep working, keep building, & keep striving. Together, we'll sit down, toss back a few root beers, & toast to one another's victory.
See you all at the Impeachment/Emancipation Cookout.
Don't be late...I can't guarantee you that I'll be able to save youse a plate.  πŸ˜‰
I love you allπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


  1. Man!! You are a word master!!! This part right here, "Have patience, stay focused upon the completion of your goals, stay positive, and stay alert. Not only for unprovoked attacks, but mostly, for your blessings. The only way to catch those blessings, is to keep your head up, & eyes forward. Yah does not work in reverse, and your blessings don't come from below." Amen!!!!!!

    1. AMEN! We're definitely at a critical time in our history, where it appears as though we're more divisive than ever before. Once we all recognize the Adversary's trickery, & tactics, victory will be imminent.


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