Emptying The Coconut

Thanksgiving's come & gone, & I hope that everyone found something great to be thankful for. Truth to be told, for me, every day is a reason to give thanks, and BE thankful. Being a preemie (born in November, supposed to arrive in January... Guess I didn't want to miss out on that turkey!), & extremely low birth weighted, & enduring blood transfusions, my chances at survival weren't very good at all. Yet, here I am 53 years after that verdict, platinum-crowned, frosty-bearded, and extremely well-fed. Praises due to Yah for making a liar out of the doctors who didn't know that the KirkyCub was surrounded by angels. I guess this is why I appreciate things that, for  some, seem superfluous, or insignificant. I remember the first time I'd seen a real palm tree, and a real cottonfield. Stuff like that amazes me. In certain aspects, I try to look at the world through a child's eyes. I admire their innocence. Watch a baby when you introduce something new to them. See their expression? It may go from curious to concerned, to excited, but they never lose sight of the object. That's how I want to continuously view life. Nowadays, there are plenty of reasons to be jaded, as apathy is the flavor that the neighbors savor. I refuse to roll with the Joneses, in that aspect,  & enjoy everything about this existence. Sure, some things kinda suck like octopus arms, but it's in those sucky times that I learn my most valuable lessons. The biggest most important lesson being to remain faithful, and thankful. I'll be that from Day One, to Day Done. Life truly IS, splendiferous! ... I know that I'm mad late, but, did y'all see that Michael Jackson Halloween special? Maaaaaaaaan, the remixes of his songs, & the timing literally had me bouncing! The digital animation was spectacular, also! The story was kinda hokey, & corny, but I usually watch stuff like this for the visuals first, THEN, all the other stuff afterwards. Sue me, I'm an artist! If the visuals bite like a subway rat, I lose interest. Nevertheless, this feature was worth my time, & while I didn't actually dance, my spirit was moonwalking!
Which brings me to a quick point; I really hate for someone someone to kneel willingly at the Altar of Can't. I blindly, & unconditionally have faith in, & support anyone who's striving for something positive. I love to see someone who's busting their ass to fulfill their dream, GET that win. I rejoice & celebrate with each victory, even if it doesn't pertain to me, because indirectly, it DOES pertain to me! I watch, listen, & absorb what successful people do on their way to their victories. We all should learn from & rejoice in other's triumphs. Instead of wondering how they did what they did, & assuming that they got lucky, check out their journey. At some point you may see a moment where it may be understandable if they decided to throw in the towel, & kneel at the dreaded Altar Of Can't. Yet, the successful person didn't. They rolled up their shirtsleeves, & determinedly forged ahead. That's the key to success. No hook-up is better that the rewards received from hard work, belief in oneself, and oneself's dreams. If you wanna be successful, strive on, & stay prayed-up. If you wanna dance like Mike, you have to work like Mike.
  You can do it, family. I believe in you. Yah believes in you. The question remains; do YOU believe in YOU?

Only YOU can answer that.

Sac's empty...
See y'all on the dancefloor. Kirkster must boogie!πŸ˜‰
I love you allπŸ’žπŸ’ž


  1. This was, dope super motivational with that kirk flava realness with visual episode


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