WHAT....In the ENTIRE hell???


 Welcome to my virgin voyage into blogdom, y'all (in my Tommy Strawn voice...)! At the gentle urgings of some of you, I've decided to give this blog thang a shot. Please bear with me, and forgive me for the lack of visual splendiferousness. I'm still learning the settings, and as I become more versed, I can add some visual SHTANK to this RAMBLAGE thang! In the meantime....

    Looks like the Orange Sphincter is bound and determined to do his Nero impression, and fiddle on top of his pile of ill-gotten gains, while the world around him burns. My question is this; what good is all of the money in the world, when the world around you is destroyed? Who's gonna have the balls to stand up to this cat, and either pump his brakes, or better yet, slap the cuffs on his megalomaniacal ass? He's surrounded himself with yes men, and women (who's cucas I'm sure he's tried to grab already) who truly do NOT see things crumbling around them. He's trying desperately to out-do, and UNdo President Obama, and is so clumsy in his efforts, it's truly making this country look horrible on the world stage! Still trying to figure out, what TRULY was the point of putting this courtjester into the most powerful office on Earth? The trumpeting of the Trumpanzees don't seem so loud anymore, as it seems as if all of the protesters have been forced to put their protest signs down, and lend a helping hand to those in need, in the wake of these devastating natural disasters. Monstrous hurricanes, forest fires, powerful earthquakes, (Earth, Wind, and Fire are truly in effect), a I truly believe that these occurrences are a direct result of Yah's displeasure. People are being FORCED to do what they KNOW is right, and lend a hand to their fellow man, in times of desperation, and need. The Sphincter, in this particular instance, ESPECIALLY where it pertains to Puerto Rico, is showing his character (or severe LACK thereof,) . How do you thumb your nose up at your fellow man, when he's reaching out for help? His disdain for, brown, black, red, yellow, and poor people of the world is revealed with every opening of his foul-stenchified, gaping maw, and those that CAN tell him, "NO, you dumbass!", aren't!!! I mean, late night TV talk show hosts are SKEWERING him, royally, and BRILLIANTLY,  but at the end of the day, he looks upon them as mere ratings competitors, and therefore considers them no threat. Just like President Obama was fought tooth and nail at every turn, and was dodging vetoes like cactus dodgeballs, why can't the same thing be done with this idiot? Politics confuse me, as the rules, and game change every day, it seems. It looks like the bad guys are winning, and we, the people are paying for the shenanigans of someone who truly goes against all of the "American values" that he claims to be protecting. Stay prayed-up, family, and stay DILIGENT, and FOCUSED! Like the Sphincter alluded elusively, it's truly the calm before the storm, as well as the tip of a gigantic, crumbling global warming-effected iceberg. You are loved, family... (See you at the impeachment party...well, SOME of you...😉


  1. Yes!!!! So awesome!!! So glad you're doing this!!!!!


    1. I appreciate that &, your help, as well! Onward, upward, & forward!

  2. Doing big things bro. Yah bless us.


    1. Time to elevate, bro! You & your queen are a source of inspiration!


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