Stay Strong, Puerto Rico!

KEEP YOUR HEAD... I truly hate the way my Puerto Rican brethren, & sistren are being treated. It's absolutely criminal. In the space of a couple of hours, this beautiful island has been reduced to a 3rd world country, & the best that the Orange Sphincter can do, is basically call Puerto Rico a financial burden to the U.S., put a time limit on the aid they receive, and show up days afterwards (or was it a week?), and when his fat ass finally did, toss rolls of paper towels!
Paper towels?
What the hell are they gonna do with some frockin' paper towels? Idiot, don't toss rolls of paper towels, toss rolls of MONEY! Absolute brainlessness. This administration, & it's leader, are clueless, thoughtless, and even worse, arrogant & careless. It's gonna get to a point where we'll have the entire planet against us! I wanted to go hang out on the beach in Cuba, & toss back some virgin Piña Colàdas, with a buxom tanned Cubana, but thanks to the Sphincter, that may not be possible. Waitaminnit.                    FokDAT. I'll go where I damn well please! NOT gonna let this fool dictate where I go in this world! He may be a dictator (yes, y'all... America has a dictator.), but he doesn't run THIS show, or YOUR show, for that matter! Don't let the foolishness of a bully in power, change your life, alter your path, or ruin your day, family. Keep living your life, SEE THE WORLD, pursue your goals, love your spouses, love on your children, pray to your God, & firstly, STAY FOCUSED! These are some strange times, but I FIRMLY believe that the tide will turn, for the BETTER. Stay prayed-up, family, & I'll look for you at the impeachment parade!😉


  1. Replies
    1. I surely appreciate that, Bad Gyrl! Starting to get the hang of this! Be prepared for more lunacy!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love the art!!!!
    Yes I agree. It is totally criminal the way he is treating our fellow *citizen* brother's & sisters! But that's how the KKK are, they hate and despise....smh

    1. It's bizarre and frustrating, literally being witness to morally criminal acts, and really being, for the most part, useless to do anything about it. I honestly think that when all is said and done, there are more things being done behind the scenes, than we realize.


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