Instant Replay of A Travesty


WhatitDO, family?

     Looks like we're about to have the first female, Black Vice-President in the White House, in American history! Her name is Kamala Harris, and she's no damned joke! Joe Biden's gonna need a tough, fearless running mate to handle this idiot that we have ruining, I mean, running this country. You know what? FokDat. I said "RUINING",and I meant that! Under this current presidon't, we've lost 150,000+ souls, (not including the Mexican and Honduran refugees STILL being separated and detained) & the losses are increasing!

Are people's memories THAT faulty??? The lies, the attacks, the blatant white-collar thievery...are we forgiving that? Are we forgetting that? Our elders, our poor, our CHILDREN, all under attack, and mugs are wavering and nit-picking, because some don't think that she's Black enough, or Black, period. Are you frockin' kidding me? This presidon't has hired absolute criminals to raid and ruin literally every single program beneficial to the people. Remember Betsy DeVos? This chick is draining the educational system DRY with all of the cuts she has made! Who hired her? Not Kamala Harris! There can't POSSIBLY be ANYONE WORSE than THIS presidon't, his cronies, and this administration. Unless you dig up Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and King Leopold! C'mon, family. The goal is to remove, replace, restore and repeal. We can't replace the 150,000+ souls lost, but with the flip of a switch, we can avenge them. We simply cannot survive another 4 years like 2020, which is what will be waiting for us, if we don't, once and for all, dispense with the semantics, and pettiness, and do what's right! How many more people will we have to lose? How many more programs destroyed? How many more jobs and businesses lost? How many more people displaced because they're unable to pay their rent? Seriously? And mugs are nitpicking about her heritage? What fucking difference does it make??? 

   Bottom line, do the RIGHT thing family, because 4 more years of 2020 will certainly crush us.

As always, I love you all, and you're ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers 💖💖💖✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾
