Wonderin', & Knucklin'

What's crackdifyin', family?

I need your assistance, y'all, as the majority of you are vastly more learned than I am...

Can someone PLEASE explain to me just how insurance works? I mean, I get the importance of it, but there seems to be certain intricacies that I'm mentally wrestling with. So basically, you either pay for your insurance, a certain amount on a monthly basis, or have a certain amount deducted from your paycheck to cover any illnesses or injuries incurred while under employ, reducing your out-of-pocket costs. So far, I get that. I dig it.
    Here's where I have the problem:

Basically, it's YOUR money, if I'm not mistaken. To pay for YOUR healthcare costs, correct? If that's true, who are the insurance companies to dictate how YOUR money is being used? Who are they to tell you that they won't spend YOUR money to cover YOUR healthcare costs? I saw my QueenMother's requests for certain things denied because her insurance wouldn't cover it! Not just her, I've heard numerous cases in which someone's recovery was hindered, and their illnesses exacerbated because some shitsack in a suit denied payment for NECESSARY services, treatment, and medication! I'm not naΓ―ve, and I DEFINITELY know that it's all about money. I get that. Don't like it. Won't like it. In my "right-world" thinking, it's supposed to be about the people in need, NOT the people in greed! At some point, something's got to give. Something's gotta change. Good people are suffering, and dying needlessly, and it's all for the greed. Rich getting richer at the expense of the poor, and righteous. Like Keith Sweat warbled, "Sumthin-sumthin', sumthin'-sumthin' just ain't Riiiiiight...." Indeed.

Had a chance to see highlights of the Anthony Joshua-Andy Ruiz, Jr. Heavyweight Championship fight. Joshua is built like a Greek god. Ruiz, Jr.? A Greek cabbie. Not body-shaming, because Yah has made us all beautifully (some disagree, and try to drastically re-make themselves... I'd elaborate, but that's a whole other Ramblage...), but this cat Ruiz, Jr. wasn't given much of a chance at victory. He had nothing to lose. Shot his best shot, and claimed his blessing. He is now, heavyweight champion of the world. (Not to besmirch Mr. Joshua, because humble in victory, and humble in defeat, he's a stellar human being, and a great fighter. ) Mr. Ruiz, Jr. was underestimated by most, and shook up the world. A real-life Rocky! Have you ever, or are you being underestimated? Doubted? Slept on, with the only one believing IN you, IS you? What do YOU do when you're on the receiving end of criticism, scorn and doubt in the midst of an accomplishment? Do you fold up, pack up, back up, cower, and cry "Victim"? Or do you KNUCKLE up, block, and counterpunch your way to victory? If I had my druthers, I'd prefer to go out like Mr. Ruiz, Jr., as opposed to a Roberto "No Mas" Duran. Y'all know who Duran is. Stop playin'. My point is, on your journey to do something that goes against the grain, you WILL get detractors, and doubters. Some of the critiques will hurt more than others. Prepare yourself to expect that, and press on. What you offer IS of SIGNIFICANCE, and IMPORTANCE, and let no one else tell you differently. If you're a Child of God, and believe that what your striving for is going to improve lives, please believe that regardless of the doubters, if YOU believe, you will achieve. 

Don't pack up...

I totally believe in, and love you all, family...πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
