(Democratic) Party Tiiiime!!! LMAOOOO!!!

Ahhhh..... WhatitDO, family... WhatitDO!
   Saw my first, in-the-flesh MAGA hat. Didn't quite know what to think, or feel, but I DO know that feelings of giddiness and elation weren't among the feelings I had. Without being too melodramatic, the MAGA hat is synonymous with a Klan hood these days. I considered the wearer, a guy who's a brainless, countryfuk, Dallas Cowboys steaming turd, and decided that it wasn't worth my attention. But, trust and believe, now that I know where he stands, dude won't be getting my energy at all. A resident where I work, when she walked by my window, asked me what it was on the news. When I replied that I was watching The Orange Sphincter tear our country apart, she smiled as said, "I'm a Trump supporter.", and stood there like she was expecting praises. My expressions often speak, where my mouth won't. I've tried to work on that, in an attempt to be diplomatic, but I come up short with frightening ease. This case was no different, as she lost that smile, and it was replaced with a straight-up whipped puppy look, and went on about her business. Heifer. I know, I know. Disliking someone for being a Trumpanzee is pure immaturity, but a FEMALE supporting that pestilence? That shit is WAYYYYYYY beyond my payscale! I can't fathom supporting someone who's belief system goes against absolutely everything I am, and what I believe in. Just throwing one's own personal scruples and morals away just to be on the "winning" side. Is this what the U.S. has become? If so, we're in a sorrier state than we realize. If this keeps up, we'll find ourselves standing on a line to have GPS chips installed in our asses, for government-mandated reasons. We've gotta take our lives back, and stop giving away our freedoms and liberties to someone who looks upon us as expendable assets, only mattering when it's time to get re-elected. Are you unhappy with the way things are right now? Did you vote? If you didn't, then you've gotten what you paid for. Don't believe in voting? Then you have no real right to complain, and you're just as complicit as the people committing these atrocities against people and country. These muthafuckas have to ask YOU for a job! If they're unqualified, why would you hire them? ESPECIALLY if they're CLEARLY unqualified! Do the RIGHT thing, family. ... What's happened to my NBA? It's become a 3-point-shooting flop contest! You've got dudes over 7ft tall standing at the 3 POINT LINE, hoisting up half-court bombs, only coming near the paint when it's time to head to the locker room! Moses Malone must be spinning in his grave, right now, Yah rest his hard-working soul! ... We're such a race-obsessed society right now, it's BEYOND stupid, boring, echolalic, and mundane. I'm not gonna indulge. Gonna keep my big Black ass busy building, and using my gifts to inspire others towards fulfilling their own dreams, and goals. So much to do, so little time. ... Sac's flaccid, family. I just want to implore you to take the time to stop, and think. Think about you. Who you are. What do you like? What makes you feel good? Focus on the best parts of you, and celebrate that! Turn the worst parts of you into the best parts of you, so when you wake up, you're bordering on hysterical euphoria, high on yourself! Don't beat yourself up, because you're "lacking" in some area. When you step outside your door, you're not guaranteed to be met with a marching band, and parade, so be your own biggest fan! Celebrate YOU, loudly, AND enthusiastically! And take a chance on YOU, for Yah's sake! You're worth celebrating, don't you agree? There are minions of the Adversary EVERYWHERE, waiting for an opportunity to convince you to doubt yourself. They don't have the power to stop you, but they CAN plant the seeds of doubt and distraction, taking your eyes off of the prize. STAY FOCUSED, DRIVEN, and DETERMINED, y'all! You CAN achieve ALL that you can conceive! All you have to do is... believe.

Claim...YOUR... blessings!!!

I love you all!💗💗💗


  1. Kirk I believe we are in the days where we will see this faux bandwagon confidence more and more. I do agree that everyone won't share the same ideals and or mindsets and sometimes you're gonna have to be your own cheerleader and motivator. In our community especially we are in the season of fear, choices and reflection . Most times a nation or a people will not change a way of thinking and or being until it comes to their doorstep. One thing for certain two things for sure is that change is constant and it's no respect of person it will either allow you to flow with it or you'll get trampled by inevitability. Your ramblages are always good foof for the mind. Keep up the good work Kirkster we are listening..

    1. There's most DEFINITELY change in the atmosphere! I believe that the planetary changes in atmosphere are mirroring the social unrest, and upheaval. Where there's chaos, order usually follows. I'm fully expecting and looking forward to the periods of unrest, AND justice to follow.

  2. Wow! Where to start? I wouldn't know what my response/reaction would be either honestly seeing a MAGA hat in person. Its evident that sow wrongly assumed her announcement of poor judgment mixed with false sense of white privilege afforded her some kind of special apology 😐 which I'm sure she now knows she was SO WRONG as she sheds some white tears.
    The state of this country will remain in chaos until it addresses it's past- to rectify & recompense it's wrongs. It must go above & beyond, something I feel will be much of a challenge. Just like this country is long on false "pride" it's also puffed with ego.

    1. I'm currently, on an almost daily basis, seeing folks with this false pride being shown the error of their ways, and are surprised when justice doesn't come in the form of peaceful protest. This generation seems to be more in the form of stand and deliver, as opposed to turning the other cheek, and I think that the "powers that be" are failing to realize it...

  3. Brih you was right for keeping your cool my dude they act like being a Trumpfuckupateer is a good thing but you was polite how u did that one I have no idea but continue to do you big bruh love that ramblage-

    1. In situations like that, I tend to judge my audience. I can't get worked up too much over the powerless, my dude. Dude has no idea that the America that the current regime is trying to make "great" again, doesn't include the elderly, and those living off of government assistance, both categories which pertain to this poor misguided Trumpanzee. He got pimped for his vote, then discarded. He'll figure it out when his Social Security is cut into, to pay for a stupid wall...


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