Hands To Ya Damned Self...

Sooooo...Al Franken, too? Another man in power/in authority violating a woman? Is this what one does, when one becomes "rich & powerful"? GTFOH...ALL the way out. Wealth & fame don't give you Carte Blanche to violate someone. These bullshit apologies are becoming tired, & common. "I'm sorry" simply isn't good enough. Jail, no, PRISON time will show you just HOW sorry you should be, when getting some of that point-of-view changing gen-pop education!
Press charges & drop these sumbitches in gen-pop! No protective custody, or country club "prison". Drop them off in Oz with Adebisi n'them, & you'll understand that the level of "sorry" that you're in, will be forcefully exceeded. The idiocy WILL continue, I'm sure. Keep your hands to your damned self. Period. ... Whatever's become of Teddy Riley? Guy, Keith Sweat, Blackstreet, Michael Jackson...many more, I'm sure! Seemed as if, as soon as his fingers touched his keyboard, a hit was produced! Seems like he just dropped off the face of the Earth! Now that you mention it, what happened to BadBoy Records? Remember when they were ruling the industry? Mary J. Blige, Biggie, Li'l Kim, Jodeci, Faith, Craig Mack, Junior Mafia, I'm sure that I'm forgetting someone, but you get what I mean. In the early '90's, BadBoy had some heavy hitters! I mean, even a group like Total made a mark, for the brief time that they were out. I guess after so much success, there were no mountains left to climb. One could make an argument for Death Row, & the bangers that they had, but I daresay, there would've been no Death Row, had BadBoy not been in existence. It's funny how you can apply the tag "good ol' days" to that time period. It's flying by TOO fast, family. This is why we have to take full advantage of the time & opportunities bestowed upon us. We're truly living on borrowed, limited time, and the view of our own personal hourglasses are hidden from us. I know some people who are stuck in a quagmire of bitterness and anger so deep that if happiness was presented to them on a platter, sadly, they'd turn their nose up at it! Those lost moments can never be recovered, and there is no rewind/replay button. Life is like a fresh Krispy Kreme glazedified doughnut; y'gotsta get it while it's hot! Eliminate all unnecessary negative forces, and people from your circle, y'all. The more you carry, the slower your progress, the deeper your frustrations. Make sense? I'm working on eliminating my own negative forces, with my annual Social Enema. It's rarely an easy task, as I'm a sentimental blighter, but when you take inventory, & see that your favorite piece of fruit has gone bad, you don't hold onto it, for it may spoil the whole bunch. Do your due diligence, & take your own inventory. You'll be surprised at, not only which pieces have rotted, but just how good, how free you feel afterwards. Like I said family, no reset button. Love yourself, as Yah loves you; wholeheartedly, deeply, and enduringly, without stipulations, sub-clauses, or conditions. You absolutely matter, family. Absolutely!
   As always, I love you much, & I'll see youse at the Impeachment Pool Party!😉💓
