All Over The Place

Firstly...MASSIVE prayers 'til the knees bleed, for all who were hurt, or killed by the fanatical coward who used a truck, as his own weapon of mass destruction. My question is this; if YOU, YOURSELF have an issue with someone's political, religious, or racial affiliations, how does killing innocent people change/improve things? Also, you go and commit these heinous crimes against innocent people, why the fugg are you running??? What are you afraid of? You CAN'T be NEARLY as afraid as the innocent people, who are oblivious targets of your blind fanaticism! I heard on a news report that this slowleak, plastic gun-toting bastard, yelled "Allahu Akbar", as he got out of the truck he'd just totaled! Really? I have mad respect for my Muslim brothers & sisters, as a matter-of-fact, I respect anyone's individual beliefs, as well as their right to subscribe to whatever belief serves their spirit. I may not agree, but I respect, nevertheless. My difference of opinion doesn't require, or call for, a show of deadly force to drive my point home! I don't understand that way of thinking, & frankly, I'm glad that that sort of reasoning is beyond me. Live & let live, is the philosophy that I subscribe to, mainly because Yah has not authorized me to pass judgment on anyone's beliefs, whether I agree with them, or not. All I know is what's good for me. ...
   Ahhhhh...that squeezed balloon sound you heard, was the Orange Prophylactic's sphincter starting to seize up, & spasm! Ironically, at the same time that the word, "indictment" hit the airwaves!  Sit back, & gitcher popcorn, family. You'll get a chance to see the character of this administration, & it's "leader" on worldwide display. Can we say, "rats deserting a sinking ship"? ...
   I was listening to Anita Baker's "Compositions" album. Lawd, that woman's singing moves my soul! That, to me, is her best album, & never gets old. I do wish that she were still making music. Singers of her ilk are becoming a dying breed, as we're being inundated by the prepubescent-like warblings of half-dressed, over-paid, over-privileged screechers. I've heard more melody in a stray cat fight, y'all! Y'all know I'm right, stop playing! You're missed Anita, Gladys, Whitney, Chaka, Donna, etc. ...
   Heard that R&B singer, Chrisette Michelle's been going through some things, since singing at the Orange Beluga's Inauguration. Record label dropped her, & other things that I won't go into. Gonna say some prayers for sis, mainly because she was sold a raw deal by whomever her management was. They HAD to have seen that allying themselves with the Orange Prostate was not a good career move, regardless the paycheck. She has a wonderful voice, & I'm sure that if given the opportunity, she would've passed on that gig. Never, EVER compromise your skills/gifts/abilities/principles, etc. While the initial payday may be shweet, the end results are never truly worth it. You can't unring a bell, family. ...
   Soooooo, Käiser Sozé has come out of the closet, AFTER admitting that he almost pulled a Weinstein on a boy, eh? George Bush, Sr.'s a groping booty-bandit? The Orange Bile's a cuca-grabber? Weinstein victims are popping up like roaches in a dark kitchen. Soooo, when are the Boys In Blue gonna start slapping the cuffs on these cats? SOMEone's gotta do some gen-pop time for these offenses! To hell with that house arrest shit! Put some steel on their wrists, put 'em behind iron bars, & remind them that no matter how much they have in their accounts, not ONE of them are Teflon! Mugs had better hope that I don't get blessed with a daughter one day. James Evans, Sr. wouldn't have shit on me! B'lee dat, y'all. Gotsta protect those princesses. Gotsta protect the children. Gotsta protect the FAMILY... ALL costs, family.

Sac's empty, y'all. Be alert, not alarmed. The bell has rung, & we all need to be prepared for attacks, & combat. Do NOT fall for the okeedoke! Distractions are flying around like mucusoid spittle from a sneeze! Don't get caught in that toxic rain.
I have you all deeply in prayer, & deeply in thought...
I love you all!💞


  1. We'll left no stone unturned..... Praying for this country, our "supposed" leadership, victims of hate crime, & families of victims. God bless us all...

  2. This is deep. I think what astounds me the most is the hypocritical episodes that have become the norm by the so called powers that be. What I do know is that for every beginning of morbidity there's allso a justified end. Excellent perspective as always kirk


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